seabet online casino games 

seabet online casino games Capabilities​

​​seabet online casino games

The manufacture of all Secondary seabet online casino games Initiators has given RISI a unique capability to perform critical seabet online casino games and non-seabet online casino games powder operations. RISI can perform the operations shown below for any customer need.

Recrystallization of seabet online casino games

RISI routinely recrystallizes PETN, RDX and HNS explosive for their own use in the manufacture of Exploding Foil Initiators and Exploding BridgeWire Detonators. We have also recrystallized HNAB and NONA explosives. This process is critical to the performance of RISI’s standard product line of seabet online casino games’s and EFI’s and has been performed since 1968 when the sale of seabet online casino games’s first started in a joint venture with Physics International. Processed PETN was used in an seabet online casino games for the Polaris Missile and later the Poseidon Missile under contract with the Lockheed Missile and Space Program. During this 29 year period the process has been continually improved to the point where seabet online casino games’s are now used in general blasting and mining applications or wherever added safety is needed.

seabet online casino games Addition

RISI presently adds binder to both RDX and HNS in the manufacture of their standard product line of seabet online casino games and EFI detonators and other products. Binder materials including FPC461 and Kel-F-800 are now used in these Plastic Bonded Explosives. Other binders can also be used as required.

Pellet seabet online casino games

RISI has been manufacturing explosive pellets since 1968. All seabet online casino games’s and EFI’s require some type of high density pellet. These operations include: (1) Very precise hand weighed, single station die pressing. (2) Single station automatic press-ing (3) Multi station automatic pressing. RISI maintains a large selection of tooling diameters to fabricate pellets with various types of secondary explosives. RISI has had considerable experience precision loading explosives such as PETN, RDX, HNS, PBX-9407 and PBX-N5. Diameters as small as 0.062 inch and as large as 0.625 inch have been succesfully loaded to tolerances as low as plus or minus 0.1 milligram and densities as tight as 0.01 g / cc. RISI has the capability to control densities by either pressure loading or weighing and pressing to fixed stops.

seabet online casino games

seabet online casino games has a multiple CAD capability which greatly enhances electronic and mechanical design/drafting. The CAD system also assists in the control of documents and design configurations.
RISI’s seabet online casino games storage, pelleting, drying and processing operations located on-site in San Ramon are specifically designed and equipped to support the requirements of small and large volume seabet online casino games powder handling. A fully equipped electronic firing system development laboratory is maintained to develop and produce prototype quan-tities, special firing systems and associated test equipment.
A prototype model shop is maintained to fully support research and development programs. This facility enables rapid turnaround of metal and plastic parts to insure development schedules are met. The shop is seabet online casino games utilized to to produce soft tooling in advance of production.
Extensive ordnance testing facilities are maintained to meet the varied system applications and needs. Included is equipment to support nano-micro-and millisecond event timing reliability and safety parameter studies. Additionally, specialized environmental test equipment is available to test seabet online casino games devices at low pressure (altitude) and extreme temperature conditions.

Special seabet online casino games

Many of seabet online casino games’s products evolved from customer requirements. Some items never became products but were developed and tested. Others were built for concept demonstrations. This section of the catalog presents the general characteristics of several of these products. All of these products, or variations of these products, can be special ordered and

seabet online casino games Cable Cutter

Features the safety and timing available from seabet online casino games. The cutter will shear up to a 3/8 inch diameter braided steel cable or Kevlar™ rope.
The seabet online casino games blast is completely contained within the cutter. The barrel, anvil and caps can be re-used.
The cutter requires standard seabet online casino games75 firing parameters.

seabet online casino games Function Indicator

This is a passive, single shot device to check if a system triggered with sufficient energy to function an seabet online casino games detonator by protrusion of a pin. This device contains a small quanity of PETN explosive which is totally contained in the unit when it functions.

seabet online casino games Piston Actuator (no explosives)

For diaphragm rupture of up to 0.012 inch thick stainless steel. This actuator does not require any explosive. It can be designed also to cut wire or cable or function as a switch. Timing from 1.0 µs. Requires seabet online casino games1 firing parameters 

Hermetic Sealed seabet online casino games or EFI Detonator

These seabet online casino games are hermetically sealed and will meet leakage requirements of better than 1x10-6 cc He per second. The example shown has a high alumina ceramic insulator brazed to the stainless steel body and center contact. The tapered ceramic interface mates easily to a connector with a silicone rubber insulator which enables the seabet online casino games to function at any altitude.

seabet online casino games Explosive Bolts

These bolts have the safety and timing of all secondary explosives. The minimum diameter is 0.5 inch with a tensile strength of 21,000 pounds. The bolts are fabricated from high strength alloy steel. When functioned, fracture occurs at a specified break line. Requires standard seabet online casino games2 firing parameters.



seabet online casino games Explosive Switches

seabet online casino games explosive switches have the advantages of fast response times in the microsecond time frame and being able to hold off large current and voltages because of the energy densities available to perform work from the secondary explosives
Designs have been built and tested for 70 KV DC, 2,000 Amp seabet online casino games with total system trip times of < 0.5 milliseconds.
Two concepts have seabet online casino games manufactured: (1) The movement of a mass to either open or close the switch, and (2) The use of a shaped charge to pierce or destroy the switch insulation.

seabet online casino games      
for melting and Bonding

seabet online casino games material is designed to quickly heat and melt construction materials such as bitumen and some plastic adhesives for heat bonding. Low ash maximizes the bond strength.

The application shown is a roadway reflector using a heat patty for bonding to a roadway surface. Once the reflector is spotted in place, the ignition tab is lit using a hand held butane lighter. Burn seabet online casino games is less than 20 seconds.

Thermite Reactive seabet online casino games Devices

Thermite powder is a mix of vaious metal powders and is generally used in the welding industry. seabet online casino games powders produce a very hot gas and shock output when ignited.
RISI has developed an initiator using Thermite Powder that has the same ignition characteristics as an seabet online casino games (see the SQ-80). These devices can be used to burn holes or grooves in diaphragms, ignite other materials or as an electric match with the safety and speed of an seabet online casino games.

Deflagration to Detonation Transition seabet online casino games (DDT)

A seabet online casino games with similar current and voltage inputs as a Hot Wire, primary explosive seabet online casino games but using only secondary explosives such as PETN, RDX or HMX. The DDT has has an all fire current of 2.5 amps with a 1.0 0hm bridgewire. Nominal dimensions are 0.500 inch diameter by 1.0 inch.

This seabet online casino games can be designed to function from the following:

  1. A detonating seabet online casino games
  2. A deflagrating seabet online casino games
  3. A propellant
  4. An exploding seabet online casino games
  5. A projectile seabet online casino games kinetic energy 

The concept of the Flying Plate seabet online casino games provides a detonation output from mechanical, electrical and non-explosive inputs which in general are not normally used.




seabet online casino games will modify most products shown in the catalog to meet a customers special requirements. Depending on the extent and complexity of the change, a non-recurring tooling charge may be necessary. Delivery time may also be extended if the changes are extensive.
seabet online casino games also manufactures a number of products on special order for which tooling and detail component parts already exist. These products are not normally in stock because of low useage but can be assembled in a reasonable length of time for a special order. Examples of these kinds of units include the following:
seabet online casino games1 Coax Detonator - P/N 167-4315
 Same as the seabet online casino games1 Pigtail Detonator except for an integral Type 31 coaxial connector. 
seabet online casino games2 Coax Detonator - P/N 167-4378   
 Same as the seabet online casino games2 Pigtail Detonator except for an integral Type 600 coaxial connector. 
seabet online casino games1 Boosted Detonator - P/N 167-9041 
 A canned seabet online casino games1 Detonator with a total explosive load of 4.35 grams. 
seabet online casino games1 Sugar Load Detonator, Pigtail - P/N 167-4334
seabet online casino games1 Sugar Load Detonator, Coaxial - P/N 167-2716  
 Exact replicas of an seabet online casino games1 Detonator except for the substitution of sugar for the explosive materials. Used to better simulate the exploding bridgewire function by packing a low density powder (sugar) around the wire. 
seabet online casino games86 Detonator - P/N 188-7074  
 A sealed seabet online casino games for underwater use with a 2 gram output charge. Used in seismic studies. 
seabet online casino games 
 RISI maintains tooling to fabricate pellets of various diameters for use with most seabet online casino games. 

​​​seabet online casino games Rebridge Services

RISI stocks seabet online casino games components such as heads (bridged or unbridged), pellets, sleeves and cans for all the common RISI detonators and are available for sale

seabet online casino games will also bridge customer furnished heads with either the standard gold bridgewire or a customer specified material or diameter. Used heads can also be rebridged provided they pass an incoming inspection.

Description Part seabet online casino games
Bridged Heads
Part seabet online casino games
Unbridged Heads
seabet online casino games1 Pigtail
seabet online casino games1 Coax
seabet online casino games2 Pigtail
seabet online casino games2 Coax
seabet online casino games3 Pigtail
seabet online casino games80 Pigtail
seabet online casino games83 Pigtail
seabet online casino games87 Pigtail
seabet online casino games501 Pigtail
click part seabet online casino games to add to quote request

High Temperature RDX and HMX seabet online casino games Detonators​​

High Temperature RDX and HMX*** seabet online casino games Detonators- UPDATED 12/017/2014
RISI has developed a line of High Temperature seabet online casino games detonators for use in applications where temperatures exceed the limits of the PETN initial pressing used in standard seabet online casino games detonators. High Temperature seabet online casino games’s use:
  • seabet online casino games for temperature requirements MAX 302F/150C, 1 Hour, Note: Anodized Gold Cup
  • HMX for seabet online casino games 400F/205C, 1 Hour, Note: Anodized Red Cup
These detonators are available on special order. In order to reduce delivery time they have been designed around four of our standard seabet online casino games detonators and use common parts except for the Explosive. They are intended to be used with the PX-1 Expendable Firing Unit.
 1.4B, UN0255 DOT Approval for shipment in a Fiberboard Box

seabet online casino games800 RDX P/N 188-7330
seabet online casino games8000 HMX P/N 188-7453

Same dimensions as seabet online casino games80

seabet online casino games830 RDX P/N 188-7342 
seabet online casino games8300 HMX P/N 188-7455

Same dimensions as seabet online casino games83

seabet online casino games810 RDX P/N 188-7409 
seabet online casino games8100 HMX P/N 188-7454
Same dimensions as seabet online casino games81

seabet online casino games880 RDX P/N 188-7354 
seabet online casino games8800 HMX P/N 188-7456 
Same dimensions as seabet online casino games880 

seabet online casino games750 P/N 188-7392
High Temperature RDX seabet online casino games Detonator
Same dimensions as seabet online casino games75


seabet online casino games75 Sealed EBW Detonator

P/N 188-7390

​The seabet online casino games75 is a sealed EBW detonator with an integral connector for underwater use. All seabet online casino games75 detonators are individually tested to 1000 psi water pressure.


seabet online casino games75 Firing Parameters
Threshold Burst seabet online casino games:180 seabet online casino games
seabet online casino games:Approx. 500 volts
seabet online casino games Std. Deviation:50 volts maximum
Function seabet online casino games:7.5 µsec. typical
Function seabet online casino games Simultaneity
seabet online casino games Deviation:
0.125 µsec Max.

Caution: While seabet online casino games and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic firing systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or firing. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI Firing System. Only approved RISI Firing Systems should ever be ​
