seabet live casino  

RISI manufactures a line of Exploding Bridgewire (EBW) detonators for a variety of industrial applications.

This page is intended to help the user select the proper initiator for their particular application. The RISI line of EBW detonators can be divided into five categories. Click on the links below to view the specifications for each.

High Precision

seabet live casino1
EBW Detonator
P/N 167-4314
seabet live casino2
EBW Detonator
P/N 167-4379



General Purpose

seabet live casino3
EBW Detonator
P/N 167-9225
seabet live casino80
EBW Detonator
P/N 188-7042
seabet live casino81
EBW Detonator
P/N 188-7405
seabet live casino83
EBW Detonator
P/N 167-8676
seabet live casino85
EBW Detonator
P/N 188-7080
seabet live casino87
EBW Detonator
P/N 167-9643




seabet live casino501
EBW Detonator
P/N 188-7359
seabet live casino502
EBW Detonator
P/N 188-7410



Additional Products

SQ-80 EBW Ignitor
P/N 188-7382
​P/N 188-7476
seabet live casino880
​P/N 188-7354

seabet live casino1 EBW Detonator​

P/N 167-4314​ ​-  Dow​nloa​d a​s PDF​                           
​​The seabet live casino1 is a high precision Exploding Bridgewire Detonator manufactured by RISI which features close tolerance electrode spacing, precise bridgewire attachment, high quality loading sleeves and a rigidly controlled crystallization process of the PETN explosive and loading operation. Density is controlled through consistency of crystalline structure, precision weighing and class ‘A’ dies and tooling.

The result is a detonator with a transmission time simultaneity standard deviation of less than .025 microsecond. While some applications may not require this degree of timing or safety, users may want to take advantage of the high degree of reliability​.


RP-1 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 190 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation:25 volts maximum
Function Time: 2.75 µsec. typical
Function Time Simultaneity
Standard Deviation:
0.025 µsec Max.

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.​

​​seabet live casino2 EBW Detonator​

P/N 167-4379​ - ​Download a​s PDF

The seabet live casino2 is a high precision Exploding Bridgewire Detonator manufactured by RISI which features close tolerance electrode spacing, precise bridgewire attachment, high quality loading sleeves and a rigidly controlled crystallization process of the PETN explosive and loading operation. Density is controlled through consistency of crystalline structure, precision weighing and class ‘A’ dies and tooling.

The result is a detonator with a transmission line simultaniety standard deviation of less than .035 microsecond. While some applications may not require this degree of timing or safety, users may want to take advantage of the high degree of reliability present in this detonator.



RP-2 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 220 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 25 volts maximum
Function Time: 1.65 µsec. typical
Function Time Simultaneity
Standard Deviation:
0.035 µsec Max.

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.​

​​seabet live casino3 EBW Detonator​

P/N 167-9225​ - D​ownload​ as PDF

​The seabet live casino3 EBW detonator is a miniature detonator containing less than 30 mg of PETN explosive. Although small this detonator will initiate most common military explosives. The seabet live casino3 is used in situations which cannot tolerate blast or fragment damage but still requires the safety and reliability of an EBW detonator.



RP-3 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 200 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 25 volts maximum
Function Time: 1.5 µsec. typical
Function Time Simultaneity
Standard Deviation:
0.060 µsec Max.

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.​

​​​seabet live casino80 EBW Detonator​

P/N 188-7042​ - ​​D​ownlo​ad as PDF

The seabet live casino80 detonator is a standard end lighting detonator. It is housed in an aluninum cup to provide sealing and strength to the explosive charge. It can be purchased without the cup as P/N 167- 9964. It is capable of detonating compressed TNT and other similar explosives. 



RP-80 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 180 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 75 volts maximum
Function Time: 2.65 µsec. typical
Function Time Simultaneity
Standard Deviation:
0.125 µsec Max.

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.

​seabet live casino81 EBW Detonator​

P/N 188-7405 - D​ownload as ​PDF

The seabet live casino81 detonator has the equivalent output of a #8 blasting cap.


RP-81 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 180 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 75 volts maximum
Function Time: 3.38 µsec. typical
Function Time Simultaneity
Standard Deviation:
0.125 µsec Max.

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.

​seabet live casino83 EBW Detonator​

P/N 167-8676​ - D​ownload ​as PDF

The seabet live casino83 is a stretched version of the seabet live casino80 detonator and contains over 1 gram of high density explosive in the output. The seabet live casino83 is capable of detonating all standard explosives and many blasting explosives.



RP-83 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 180 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 75 volts maximum
Function Time: 5.38 µsec. typical
Function Time Simultaneity
Standard Deviation:
0.125 µsec Max.

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be 

​seabet live casino85 EBW Detonator ​

P/N 188-7080​ - D​ownload as​ PDF

The seabet live casino85 detonator has the same output as the seabet live casino83, however it is sealed for under-water use. All seabet live casino85 detonators are individually tested to 1000 psi water pressure.



RP-85 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 180 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 75 volts maximum
Function Time: 5.38 µsec. typical
Function Time Simultaneity
Standard Deviation:
0.125 µsec Max.

Caution:While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.

​seabet live casino87 EBW Detonator​

P/N 167-9643​ - D​ownload​ as PDF

The seabet live casino87 explosive is contained in a 0.006" thick stainless steel case which is crimped onto the plastic head. It is for use where small size is important. The seabet live casino87 is similar to the MK 71 detonator in geometry and output except it contains no primary explosive.



RP-87 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 210 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 75 volts maximum
Function Time: 1.95 µsec. typical
Function Time Simultaneity
Standard Deviation:
0.125 µsec Max.

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.

​​​seabet live casino501 Economy EBW Detonator​

P/N 188-7359​ - D​ownl​oa​d as PDF​ - Product Alert, Click Here​​

The seabet live casino501 is an EBW detonator for use in general purpose applications where the added safety of secondary explosives is desired and where cost is the paramount consideration. There is a distinct trade-off between price and performance; therfore, the user should carefully examine the performance specification of this detonator before selecting it for an application. For the purpose of performance comparison, refer to the seabet live casino1 and seabet live casino2 detonators which are also shown in this catalog. The seabet live casino501 is a standard, end lighting detonator capable of detonating compressed TNT and COMP B.


1. Plastic m​olded head 
2. Bridgewire (Gold) 
3. Aluminum cup 0.007" thick 
4. Initiating explosive: 169​ Mg PETN 
5. Output explosive: 269 mg HMX with Binder or RDX with Binder 
NOTE: Dent test is identical for RDX vs. HMX 

RP-501 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 180 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.​

​seabet live casino502 Economy EBW Detonator​

P/N 188-7410​ - D​ownload a​s PDF - Product Alert, Click Here​​​​

The seabet live casino502 is an EBW detonator similar to the seabet live casino501 except it can be fabricated with any required lead length up to 100 Ft. The seabet live casino502 has an explosive output equivalent to a # 8 blasting cap.
Note: The wire lead can be up to 100 Ft. in length. Customer to specify length.  ​


RP-502 seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 180 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.

​​​SQ-80 EBW Ignitor​


The SQ-80 Ignitor is a thermite filled Exploding Bridgewire ignitor possessing all the safety characteristics of an Exploding Bridgewire Detonator. Threshold seabet live casino requirements are the same as for the RP-80 EBW detonator. The SQ-80 is capable of igniting standard propellants and pyrotechnics at distances exceeding 5 inches.

SQ-80 Ignitor seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 190 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 50 volts maximum

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.

BK 80

​​​BK-80 EBW Ignitor​

P/N 188-7476

The BK-80 Ignitor is a 100% BKNO3 filled Exploding Bridgewire ignitor that is immune to Human Body ESD- 25 kV, 500 pf, 500 ohm. Threshold seabet live casino requirements are the same as for the RP-80 EBW detonator. The BK-80 is capable of igniting standard propellants and pyrotechnics at distances exceeding 5 inches.


SQ-80 Ignitor seabet live casino Parameters
Threshold Burst Current: 190 amps
Threshold Voltage: Approx. 500 volts
Threshold Voltage Std. Deviation: 50 volts maximum

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.

​seabet live casino880​

P/N 188-7354​ - D​ownloa​d as PDF

The RP-880 Fluid Desensitized, RDX, EBW Detonator is purposely designed to misfire when immersed in a fluid and fire properly when fired in air. Misfiring or seabet live casino refers to the output portion of the detonator. The RDX provides a higher operating temperature capability as compared with the RP-88 Fluid Desensi-tized, PETN, EBW Detonator.​


1. Output pellet: 454 mg of RDX with binder
2. Cup: Aluminum, anodized gold, 0.007 inch thick
3. Sleeve: Brass
4. Disc
5. Pellet: 123 mg of RDX with binder
6. Initial pressing: 82 mg of RDX
7. Bridged head

* Threshold burst current .......... 450 amps

* Threshold voltage .................. 800 volts (approx.)

* Transit time ............................ 10.5 µ sec. (approx.)
Note: Performance values are based on a seabet live casino circuit with the following parameters:
C = 1.0 µ farad, L = 0.65 µ henry, R = 0.16 ohm

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.

EBW Pressure Initiator​

D​ownloa​d as PDF

  • EB​​W = Exploding Bridge Wire
  • 100% BKNO3
  • Dimensions and output performance are the same as mil-spec hotwire initiators.
  • Inherently safer compared to hotwire devices.
  • Can replace TBIs (Thru-Bulkhead Initiators)
  • Designed to meet requirements of MIL-DTL-23659, Class B device.
  • Meets energetic materials requirements of MIL-STD-1901 for in-line high voltage devices, using only listed/approved propellant and containing no primary or secondary HIGH explosives. There is no ZPP, lead azide/styphnate or PETN in these devices.
  • Applications include:
    • Pressure initiator for in-line/high voltage systems for flight and other critical applications
    • Substitute for EFIs in systems where the igniters cannot be close enough to the FireSet or distributed systems with one FireSet/electronic sequencer and multiple initiators & detonators. EFIs & EBWs may be mixed in such a system.
    • Tested to greater than 22,000 PSI post shot pressure
    • Safer test substitute for hot wire initiators
  • DOT Shipping Classification: UN0255, 1.4B in approved packaging.  ​

Thread sizes .375-24 x .300” long, (also 7/16-28, ½-20, 9/16-18, 5/8-18 thread & others)
Connection options Two bare pins; high voltage parallel wire or coax; bayonet or triple start 38999 type connectors
Construction Hermetic: 304L stainless housing, glass to metal compression seals, welded stainless closure
Temperature -65°F to +180°F
Output closure Welded stainless, petaling (FOD free) or plain closure
Leakage 1.0 x 10-6 std. cc/sec Helium at 1 atm. pressure
Peak Pressure 500-1500 psi in 10cc volume (other pressures available)
Post fire pressure capability 22,000 psi. after passing 10-8 std. cc/sec He
ESD 25kV, 500pf, 500 ohm
FireSet Requirements High Voltage Capacitive Discharge seabet live casino Unit- Various

Caution: While EBW and EFI Initiators are inherently less susceptible to accidental detonation during handling and set-up than devices containing primary explosives, electrical and electronic seabet live casino systems are sensitive to transient electrical energies which could cause premature triggering or seabet live casino. The blasting area must be clear of personnel and equipment before the detonator leads are connected to any RISI seabet live casino System. Only approved RISI seabet live casino Systems should ever be used to initiate or detonate any explosive product manufactured and authorized for sale by RISI.
